Month End....
We ended April on a good note as the coin finding was once again plentiful. Michele got things going by finding 2 cents at school. Then, on the evening walk we scooped up the remaining 88 cents (2 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickel and 13 pennies). We snagged 37 on Merrill, 16 cents and the car wash, 2 cents and the 7-11, 1 penny on Main Street, and 31cents at the skateboard park.
About this month’s total – I was just tallying up this month’s money total and I found that it’s our 3rd highest ever (28.82). Not too bad. The other totals in the 1 and 2 position are 32.31 (Nov 06), and 30.03 (Sept 05).
Money Totals for 2007 – 69.57
Money Totals since Jan. 2005 – 392.56
Bottle and Can totals for 2007 – 1,398 – 69.90
Bottle and Can totals since Jan. 2005 – 28,995 – 1,449.75