Our First Twenty!

Well, it finally happened. We found our first twenty-dollar bill today. Sure, we’ve found a couple of 10’s and 2 fives in the last two years, but it was special to break into new virgin territory. Michele was the finder on her early morning walk with Lexi. She was on her way through the rite aid parking lot cursing the rain when, bingo, right in front of her was the 20 folded once and waiting to be picked up!
As for the rest of our change finds – I managed to find a lone penny on my 2 ½ miler this afternoon. It was on found on Allen Street. Michele had good luck on her run as well picking up 2 cents, one on Bridge Street and the second on Pleasant. Our evening walk gave us another 32 cents. The first 26 of it came at the car wash (1 quarter and 1 penny). Then on Main Street just up from the car wash, we found a penny and a nickel to round things out.
Good Night and Good Hunting!
Money totals for 2006 – 206.20
Money totals since Jan. 2005 – 324.55
Bottle and Can totals for 2006 –13,297
Bottle and Can totals since Jan. 2005 – 23,319 – 1,165.95
Congrats... my first was Aug. 18, 1998, or thereabouts if I remember correctly.
Congratulations!!!! Nothing like a twenty to revitalize your found money fund!! :)
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